Tonight at 9:00 marked the first general body meeting of the Colleges Against Cancer and Relay for Life Committees. There were at least 60 people at the meeting, of which about two-thirds were interested freshman. After the co-presidents got up and explained the details, goals, and past success of the club, the chairs of each committee had to go up and present their powerpoint slide, explaining what their group does and encouraging the newcomers to apply into that committee. As the Recruitment Chair, I explained how my group is largely responsible for all of the participants in attendance at Relay. Though it may not be the most fun and social of the cancer committees, it is a very important and somewhat high pressure responsibility to be in this group. Without participants, there is no Relay for Life, never mind no money to reach our $115,000 goal. I explained some ideas that I had as a means of recruiting people (while trying to make my group sound as fun as possible), and also encouraged any creative and dedicated minds to join. I really look forward to seeing who applies into my committee! It was both exciting and inspiring to see so many students interested in fighting cancer. I really look forward to our activities for this year and can't wait to meet my committee members.
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