Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Day 172: Monthly Support Of Our Sponsored Child

September is here and today is the day to send our financial support to our sponsored child in Mexico, Signorita Claudia. It's hard to believe that we have belonged to this program for well over a decade.  Sophia is excited to send her first "Spanish-infused" letter to Claudia,...but she is still adjusting to the demands of Middle School and will wait until next month to habla espanol con Claudia!!  If only we could meet her.....


And here's why we love the program (as lifted from the website):

The sponsored child and family do their part—this is not a handout

The primary focus of our Hope for a Family program is creating opportunities for sponsored children and their families to develop their own capacity for personal and economic growth, rather than focusing solely on the distribution of material goods.
The children and their families have responsibilities. Children are expected to stay in school and develop their potential. They are required to write to their sponsors and participate in programs at the local level. Parents of sponsored children have responsibilities within the program as well, and offer support and encouragement to one another.

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