What a wonderful weekend! We all enjoyed a beautiful wedding reception in Portland where we saw all the family and cousins we rarely get to visit with. The celebration was hosted by our generous cousin Karen, who insisted (and one does not win an argument with Cousin Karen!) that I take home this magnificent floral centerpiece. It's gorgeous. And I absolutely LOVE fresh flowers. But I really can't have flowers in the house because of allergies. Soooooo, I thought it would be nice to donate them. I was planning to bring them down to a church in Natick Center that I know has an evening Mass tonight...and then I passed the Natick Fire Station had an change of thought. You see, the guys in this particular station were exceptionally nice to me back on Marathon Monday, when I was desperate, with an about-to-burst-bladder, to find a bathroom. They kindly let me into their station building and all they asked was that I not tell any marathon fans!!. So... I figured..."Why not return the kindness see if the guys on duty might like to bring home some beautiful FREE flowers, maybe for the wife or girlfirend? Sunday night keeps a short shift in the station reception are, so I met only two workers: an adorable young firefighter and a more senior guy on the squad. They both were quick to say that they weren't married but hated to pass up on the gesture because, they said "No one ever gives us anything and we don't get a lot of thanks!" So the young guy lights up with a terrific smile and says..."I could bring them to my Mom." Perfect! And everyone lived happily ever after.
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