Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Day 137: Communion Calls

Nana and Buppa here. Today was my day to take Holy Communion to my 3 dear friends. On the way into church to get the hosts, I found a woman sitting on the driveway steps. I was a bit nervous wondering if she had fallen or was sick, but neither was true. Told me she was out on her walk and needed to rest, hence sitting on the steps. Also told me she's been walking for a few months and lost quite a few pounds---quote "eating junk puts on weight, you know!" I laughed and said " I know, I need to get rid of some pounds myself" and she quickly replied, "oh no, you look just great!!" Needless to say, she got me" going"on the next part of my day! Each of the 3 ladies is always glad to see me come to bring the Lord to them and the conversations change at each stop. Karen knows my kids and grandkids and I know hers, so that's what we talk about there. Alice is a former morning mass attendee, so she wants to know what's new at church and Anne watches out the window and sees whether Dad is watering the grass or shoveling snow or whether Jack and Dotty are in or out. They are all great people and we enjoy seeing each other.

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