Sunday, May 8, 2011

Day 45: A Mother's Day Tribute

Mother's Day 2011 is yet one more year that Paul and I are blessed to have both of our wonderful Mothers still with us through this remarkable journey called Life.  They both bring us, and our children, so much love, perspective, wisdom and laughter.

Today, especially, I am painfully aware of how many of my dear friends no longer share this blessing.  And I would like to make this blog entry a tribute to those dear friends who continue to stay strong without the tender embrace, the gentle guidance and the supportive advice of an irreplaceable best friend called Mom.

pinkribbon.gif, the first pink ribbon on the internet, by Carol Sutton 1996And to my dear friend Sue,  who, decades ago, was the first person I knew to have lost her young Mother to cancer.  I believe her Mother was only in her early fifties at the time.  Today I salute Sue's strength of character, her courage,  her achievement and her terrific children.  She is an incredible woman, facing an incredibly challenging chapter of her life right now.  And although it's been decades since the loss of her Mother, I know she must be especially missing her right now.

We are privileged to be able to make a contribution to the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation in her memory.


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